Wicked Island — versija

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Gads: 2024
Versija: atjauninājums
Žanrs: 3D spēle, galvenā varone, vaginālais sekss, liels dupsis, lielas krūtis, krēms, cīņa, neglīts bastards
Kategorija: Pieaugušo seksa spēles
Platforma: PC spēle / Windows
Cenzūra: Nē
Valoda: Angļu

Šis pieaugušo spēļu dāvanas:

Pieaugušo atvērtās pasaules izdzīvošana ar seksa sakāves sistēmu.
Cīnieties ar ragveida monstriem, izveidojiet un uzlabojiet savu aprīkojumu, atbloķējiet mājdzīvnieku monstrus un uzlabojiet tos, lai iegūtu vairāk seksa animāciju.​


Jaunums versija


  • falling through the map should now teleport you back to start of map. Preferably you shouldn’t be able to fall through the world, but shit happens torches
  • codex input mapping under inputs menu
  • ability to change building height (shift + scroll)
  • added black birds circling overhead of most points of interests (dungeon entrances, camps etc)
  • All trees will procedurally spawn a stump when cut and will spawn logs when falling to the ground. Also added effect for tree trunk shrinking when cut as well as tree falling.
  • added some more coal to palces missing it
  • stun as a status effect
  • power attacks that will stun enemies but cost stamina (attack + ctrl)
  • dash attack will stun enemies in its path
  • 2 troll animations that for some reason wasnt added before
  • Quest descriptions for each stage of quests
  • ability to spawn specific item in cheat menu
  • Actor count in cheat menu, this is for debugging purposes, it counts all actors across the map and displays the count goats


  • Removed stamina cost of normal weapon attacks
  • Interaction text to be in the middle of the screen
  • reduced size of some text widgets
  • increased out of combat stamina regen
  • nightly spawns should no longer appear near buildings
  • hid pubic hair options in menu as they don’t currently work
  • replaced all ruins with new meshes and made them much bigger (and added a new one as well)
  • replaced graycott village with a much larger and more detailed village
  • replaced stonhelm castle with a much larger and more detailed castle
  • disabled several unused plugins
  • changed so that the mouse should always be locked to viewport, even after alt tabbing
  • replaced the model of coal ore and the item description
  • increased respawn duration all ores
  • increased size of iron ore
  • increased time before cooked food spoils (from 15 to 30min for standard tier and to 45min for high tier foor)
  • added a delay between an item drops and before it is auto picked up
  • removed mallet from crafting list as its not used for anything currently
  • changed the model of branches to make them easier to spot
  • changed the model for wheat
  • Reworked UI design across the game
  • Journal and codex are now in the same UI, also changed the look of how quests are tracked
  • naming the character will now prompt you before starting a new game, to prevent players missing it
  • enemies with weapons will have the weapons hidden during scenes
  • changed face light to be rectangular for better eye reflections
  • changed default keys for dodge, jump and toggle walk (jump = space, dodge = alt, walk = f)
  • tweaked jumping to feel better overall and made jump height higher
  • quests will now look if item already exist in inventory as well as if its being added when checking for collection/crafting/giving birth
  • made limbs harder to cut off enemies and made feet cuttable before death
  • tweaked AI to be better at detecting the player and not getting random blackouts mid fight
  • Changed AI flocking behaviour to only affect certain AI,s the others will instead have a home location they go back to
  • location of character presets, this means some presets will be added by default to all installs. To move your old presets, copy them from %LocalAppData%\UnrealEngine\5.3\Saved to you game folder\WickedIslandFull\Windows\WickedIsland
  • Renamed weregoat baby to satyr
  • horse is now summoned by a warhorn (item) rather than a key
  • Changed horse model and mount system completely to be more fluid in movement and nicer to control
  • Disabled enemies/POIs on compass/map until i get it sorted properly
  • removed skillpoint gain from discovering landmarks until load/save of them can be fixed


  • Unable to eat cooked meat
  • Can now repair bows
  • unable to build after closing build menu using the close button instead of right mouse button
  • You should no longer be able to randomly end up on top of dungeons after scenes
  • load button sometimes now spawning in main menu even when a save game exists
  • NPCs walking away during dialogue (RUDE!)
  • unable to sleep unless jumping
  • building inside houses should no longer be counted as unstable and break placed object, same goes for cliffs
  • cancelling sleep blocking inputs
  • trees turning completely invisible at large distances
  • presets now work properly without having to spam to add morphs (randomly, thanks unreal, i guess..)
  • enemies/npcs sometimes not spawning correctly after level transitions
  • blacksmith dialogue not continuing (this prevented initiating trade, which should now work as well)
  • name of mayors quest missing
  • fixed tattoo intensity to default to higher, making tattoos more visible, also increased max intensity
  • items should be refunded when placing a building that instantly breaks
  • Isabell quest should now be able to turn in
  • rabbit and pig ragdoll
  • item auto pickup covering entire map when loading a game
  • some followers/pets not following the player (werewolf/werebear/nightmare/drake/minotaur should now follow player)
  • being able to sit while swimming
  • Minotaur offspring
  • Mount point dragon
  • build placed sound now playing where building placed, not in a distant galaxy


  • refactored code running on tick to running event based in multiple places
  • enabled nanite on more meshes
  • tweaked grass for better performance
  • optimized sky for medium or lower settings, should add some performance boost
  • removed several unoptimized prop meshes that could tank performance for non-nanite systems
  • optimized a few shaders to be more performant
  • optimized some code for the dragon to make it run in a separate thread

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